Of course, what I have just written was the good part of that night. This is what remains in my mind from the 2010 MTV Winter but I can’t deny the fact that I had a very bad time at some moments of the night.
First of all, it is not a great idea wearing your Converse to ANY concert. The thing gets worse if you wear your Converse in an Arctic Monkeys show, where you definitely are going to be pushed and tapped by people. But, it becomes the worst if the concert’s premises are flooded.
So, the situation was the following: before all the show started I had my feet under water and I was about to die from freezing. But, as I consider myself a very positive person, I naively thought that things couldn’t get worse, I mean, I was about to see live one of my favorite bands on stage.
And yes, the show started and my optimism level was considerably high taking into account that I couldn’t feel my feet anymore. But suddenly, in the middle of my enjoyment, one of the most disgusting things you can ever see and feel, just happened. A drunken English man vomited just right by our side. Maybe you are already imagining what happened to us, or rather, to our legs and feet. I’m not going to describe the sensation of having someone’s vomit in your body; only remembering the feeling makes me want to vomit too. The “funny” thing (now, funny not then, obviously) is that the show was not even in the middle of its duration, so we had to spend more than 3 hours with vomit in our feet.
But, I thought, “Oh c’mon, this is maybe the only occasion you have to see one of your favorite bands performing live, so don’t think anymore about your feet and just concentrate on having fun”, so that was what I thought for an entire hour. But, by the time Arctic Monkeys had to come out on stage, more and more people started to push us, as it usually happens in massive concerts. I’ve been lucky enough as to attend many concerts and, I have to say that, that night was so far, the worst concert-experience ever regarding to people’s attitude. At some point, people started to push even harder, just for bothering and annoying everybody. When the band came out, the situation got completely mental. Everybody started pushing towards the stage so heavily, that I almost fell down twice on the vomit puddle.
In general, the concert went right despite of the fact that I couldn’t move or breathe due to the massive amount of people around me, I lost my friends like a million times and my legs were having more and more vomit on. At least, the band played my favorite song at the end “505”, as I have previously said.
After the concert, I thought that the night could improve by going out to some club or two. Everybody agreed with the idea but there was one problem: we were still full of dirty. Luckily, one of my friends had an apartment in Valencia so we decided to go there, clean up ourselves and the just go to party. I was craving for clubbing. Can I just say that again? I NEEDED to go to some disco and get crazy after what I experienced at the MTV Winter =(. But apparently, the luck was not by our side because there was no taxi around and after we had been waiting for one, we decided to go on foot. An HOUR walking.
By the time we got home, I was absolutely tired and frozen. We cleaned up our legs and feet and while we waited for our clothes to get dry, some of my friends fell asleep so my party-clubbing plan vanished. I was so upset with the end of what seemed to be one of the best’s nights ever, that I decided to go to sleep and just forget all that stuff.
The following morning, I got up quite early, I picked up all my things and I got a train back to my hometown, Castellón.
So that was my not-so-funny part the night of the MTV Winter. Anyway, I had a great time and thanks to my bad luck, now I have a story to talk about.
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